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Whenever a number x is known to satisfy Sum[a[i] f[i][x], {i, n}] 0 with fixed f[i] one can take the early digits of x and use LatticeReduce to find integer solutions for the a[i] .
.); Toda lattice (1967) ( Sech ); six-vertex spin model (1967) ( Sinh integrals); Calogero–Moser model (1971) ( Hypergeometric1F1 ); Yang–Mills instantons (1975) (rational functions); hard-hexagon spin model (1979) ( EllipticTheta ); additive cellular automata (1984) ( MultiplicativeOrder ); Seiberg–Witten supersymmetric theory (1994) ( Hypergeometric2F1 ). … But the fact that few actually did can be seen as further evidence of how narrow the scope of computational reducibility usually is.