Chapter 8: Implications for Everyday Systems
Section 1: Issues of Modelling
Section 2: The Growth of Crystals
Implementation [of hexagonal cellular automata]
Other models [of crystal growth]
Section 3: The Breaking of Materials
Phenomenology of microscopic fracture
Models of microscopic fracture
Experimental data [on fracture]
Alternate models [of fracture]
Section 4: Fluid Flow
Section 5: Fundamental Issues in Biology
History [of biological complexity]
Tricks in [biological] evolution
Belief in [biological] optimality
Section 6: Growth of Plants and Animals
History [of theories of biological form]
Implementation [of branching model]
Mathematical properties [of branching model]
Simple geometries [in branching model]
Projections of [phyllotaxis] patterns
Implementation [of phyllotaxis model]
Symmetries [in biological systems]
Discrete folding [in biological growth]
Multidimensional generalizations [of intrinsically defined curves]
Parametrizations of [biological] growth
Section 7: Biological Pigmentation Patterns
Animals [with patterning] shown
Implementation [of patterning model]
Features of the [patterning] model
Scales of patterns [on animals]