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And when a crack propagates through the solid, this in effect sets up an elaborate pattern of vibrations in these springs.
Whenever natural selection is an important determining factor, I suspect that one will inevitably see many of the same simplifying features as in systems created through engineering.
And in the past it has usually been assumed that to get the kind of complexity that one sees in such patterns there must be some highly complex underlying mechanism, presumably related to optimization through natural selection.
It is clear that by starting with a simple state and then tracing backwards through the actual evolution of a reversible system one can find initial conditions that will lead to decreasing randomness.
Ultimate Models for the Universe The history of physics has seen the development of a sequence of progressively more accurate models for the universe—from classical mechanics, through quantum mechanics, to quantum field theory, and beyond.
The answer is that for the vast majority of rules—including rules (c) through (g) in the picture on the facing page —using different schemes yields quite different behavior—and a quite different causal network.
that after going through perhaps nine trillion Turing machines one will definitely tend to find an example that is universal.
And in fact it turns out that such programs can reproduce many features of biological organisms—and for example seem to capture some of the essential mechanisms through which genetic programs manage to generate the actual biological forms we see.
LFSR sequences Often referred to as pseudonoise or PN sequences, maximal length linear feedback shift register sequences have repetition period 2 n - 1 and are generated by shift registers that go through all their possible states except the one consisting of all 0's, as discussed on page 974 .
Their general form is inherited, but specifics are often learned through imitation during a fixed period of infancy, leading birds in local areas to have distinctive songs.
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