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So why fundamentally does this happen?
And in the end it is, I suspect, just that some of the possible underlying genetic programs happen to produce complex patterns, while others do not.
It has never in the past been at all clear how leaves get the shapes they do.
But irrespective of these subtleties, the basic fact remains that so far as I can tell, rule 37R simply does not follow the predictions of the Second Law.
When we make a picture of the behavior of a cellular automaton, however, we do nevertheless tend to represent space and time in the same visual kind of way—with space going across the page and time going down.
But why do only one replacement at each step?
But one way to do it is simply to pick two points in the network, then to say that paths in the network are going in the same direction if they are segments of the same shortest path between those points.
But why exactly does matter have to be introduced explicitly at all?
But there are all sorts of phenomena in quantum theory that seem to indicate that electrons do not in fact behave like ordinary objects that have definite properties independent of us making observations of them.
What kinds of regularities does our auditory system manage to detect in these?
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