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Animal artifacts Structures like mollusc shells, radiolarian skeletons and to some extent coral are formed through processes of growth like those discussed in Chapter 8 .
Generalizations [of cyclic tag systems] The implementation above immediately allows cyclic tag systems which cycle through a list of more than two blocks.
In each case a 1D slice through the solution is shown, and the solution is multiplied by r d-1 .
Perhaps such forms arise through grains effectively being made with small numbers of roughly spherical elements being either as tightly or loosely packed as possible.
Animal coloration Coloration can arise either directly through the presence of visible colored cells such as those in freckles, or indirectly by virtue of cells such as hair follicles imparting pigments to the non-living elements such as fur, feathers and scales that grow from them.
Historical notes I have included extensive historical notes in this book in part out of respect for what has gone before, in part to provide context for ideas (and to see how current beliefs came to be as they are) and in part because the steps one goes through in understanding things may track steps that were gone through historically.
In base 10, there are 10 possible digits: 0 through 9.
In each case the possible sequences correspond to possible paths through the network.
And in general every path through a picture like this corresponds to a possible history that exists in the evolution of the multiway system.
For one can pick out of the encrypted message all the squares that occur at a certain point in the repetition period of the A simple example of an encryption system in which the encrypting sequence is obtained by repetitively cycling through the elements of the key.
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