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The notion of universality in Chapter 11 implies that under suitable conditions this should be equivalent to modifications in rules.
But the crucial point that I will discuss more in Chapter 7 is that the presence of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in systems like (a) and (b) in no way implies that it is what is responsible for the randomness and complexity we see in these systems.
The presence of randomness in initial conditions—together with sensitive dependence on initial conditions—does imply at least some degree of randomness in the behavior of any class 3 system.
In both cases the points initially diverge exponentially, as implied by chaos theory.
But calculations imply that sensitive dependence on initial conditions should ultimately occur even in our solar system.
But on its own this would be quite consistent with various kinds of uniform or spiral growth, and does not imply that there will be what we usually think of as nesting.
In the absence of any gravity or forces, our normal definition of space implies that when an object moves from one point to another, it always goes along a straight line, which corresponds to the shortest path.
But the fact that this and other results seem simple in the standard formalism of quantum theory should not be taken to imply that they are in any sense particularly fundamental.
In a problem like satisfiability, however, difficult instances tend to occur only on the boundary between cases where the density of black or white squares implies that there is usually satisfaction or usually not satisfaction.
One feature of relativity is that it implies that only relative motion is ultimately ever detectable. (This was also implied by Newtonian mechanics for purely mechanical systems.)
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