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Most likely for example there will be no easy way to visualize what the rule does by looking at a collection of elements laid out in space.
But much more important is the fact that I do not believe in the distinction between space and its contents implied by the basic construction of a cellular automaton.
But the important point is that there is no need to do a separate search to find networks that satisfy such constraints—for the rules themselves instead immediately define a procedure for building up the necessary network.
Almost all the results that were obtained are still military secrets, but I do not believe that any phenomena like the ones described in this chapter were discovered.
In practice I certainly do not expect that even parts of our universe where nothing much seems to be going on will actually have causal networks as simple as at the top of the next page .
And the point is that they do this regardless of how fast the source of an effect may be moving.
So how does this relate to general relativity?
And in fact one can often do something similar for networks.
But it does not mean that threads can have no effect at all.
But the third picture we would probably say does seem random, since at least at the level of ordinary visual perception we cannot recognize any significant regularities in it.
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