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The picture below illustrates a typical approach, applied to 3 steps of rule 30. … In class 2 examples like rule 10 many intermediate configurations are possible. Rules like 90 and to some extent 30 that allow sideways evolution yield comparatively simple trees.
Pascal's triangle and rule 90 As shown on page 611 the pattern produced by rule 90 is exactly Pascal's triangle of binomial coefficients reduced modulo 2: black cells correspond to odd binomial coefficients. … The positions of the black cells are given by (and this establishes the connection with the picture on page 117 ) Fold[Flatten[{#1 - #2, #1 + #2}] &, {0}, 2^DigitPositions[t]] DigitPositions[n_] := Flatten[Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1]] - 1 The actual pattern generated by rule 90 corresponds to the coefficients in PolynomialMod[Expand[(1/x + x) t ], 2] (see page 1091 ); the color of a particular cell is thus given by Mod[Binomial[t, (n + t)/2], 2] /; EvenQ[n + t] . Mod[Binomial[t, n], 2] yields a distorted pattern that is the one produced by rule 60 (see page 58 ).
This can be done for blocks up to length n in a 1D cellular automaton with k colors using ReversibleQ[rule_, k_, n_] := Catch[Do[ If[Length[Union[Table[CAStep[rule, IntegerDigits[i, k, m]], {i, 0, k m - 1}]]] ≠ k m , Throw[False]], {m, n}]; True] For k = 2 , r = 1 it turns out that it suffices to test only up to n = 4 (128 out of the 256 rules fail at n = 1 , 64 at n = 2 , 44 at n = 3 and 14 at n = 4 ); for k = 2 , r = 2 it suffices to test up to n = 15 , and for k = 3 , r = 1 , up to n = 9 . … For 2D cellular automata an analogous procedure can in principle be used, though there is no upper limit on the size of blocks that need to be tested, and in fact the question of whether a particular rule is reversible is directly equivalent to the tiling problem discussed on page 213 (compare page 942 ), and is thus formally undecidable.
If one knew the fundamental rules for the universe then one way in principle to define the amount of computation associated with a given process would be to find the minimum number of applications of the rules for the universe that are needed to reproduce the process at some level of description.
[Classes in] continuous cellular automata In ordinary cellular automata, going from one rule to the next in a sequence involves some discrete change. But in continuous cellular automata, the parameters of the rule can be varied smoothly.
., 0, (0) ...} ... corresponds to the sequences that can occur after 2 steps in rule 126 and {(0) ..., 1, {0, (0) ..., 1, 1} | {1, (1) ..., 0}} ... to those that can occur after 2 steps in rule 110 (see page 279 ).
Sequential substitution systems [from cellular automata] Given a sequential substitution system with rules in the form used on page 893 , the rules for a cellular automaton which emulates it can be obtained from SSSToCA[rules_] := Flatten[{{v[_, _, _], u, _}  u, {_, v[rn_, x_, _], u}  r[rn + 1, x], {_, v[_, x_, _], _}  x, MapIndexed[ With[{r n = #2 〚 1 〛 , rs = #1 〚 1 〛 , rr = #1 〚 2 〛 }, {If[Length[rs]  1, {u, r[rn, First[rs]], _}  q[0, rr], {u, r[rn, First[rs]], _}  v[rn, First[rs], Take[rs, 1]]], {u, r[rn, x_], _}  v[rn, x, {}], {v[rn, _, Drop[rs, -1]], Last[rs], _}  q[Length[rs] - 1, rr], Table[{v[rn, _, Flatten[{___, Take[rs, i - 1]}]], rs 〚 i 〛 , _}  v[ rn, rs 〚 i 〛 , Take[rs, i]], {i, Length[rs] - 1, 1, -1}], {v[rn, _, _], y_, _}  v[rn, y, {}]}] & , rules /. s  List], {_, q[0, {x__, _}], _}  q[0, {x}], {_, q[0, {x_}], _}  r[1, x], {_, q[0, {}], x_}  r[1, x], {_, q[_, {___, x_}], _}  x, {_, q[_, {}], x_}  x, {_, x_, q[0, _]}  x, {_, _, q[n_, {}]}  q[n - 1, {}], {_, _, q[n_, {x___, _}]}  q[n - 1, {x}], {q[_, {}], _, _}  w, {q[0, {__, x_}], p[y_, _], _}  p[x, y], {q[0, {__, x_}], y_, _}  p[x, y], {p[_, x_], p[y_, _], _}  p[x, y], {p[_, x_], u, _}  x, {p[_, x_], y_, _}  p[x, y], {_, p[x_, _], _}  x, {w, u, _}  u, {w, x_, _}  w, {_, w, x_}  x, {_, r[rn_, x_], _}  x, {_, u, r[_, _]}  u, {_, x_, r[rn_, _]}  r[rn, x], {_, x_, _}  x}] The initial condition is obtained by applying the rule s[x_, y__]  {r[1, x], y} and then padding with u 's.
And thus for example the values of all cells represented by an integer variable a can be updated in parallel according to rule 30 by the single C statement a = a > > 1 ^ (a | a < < 1); This statement, however, will only update the specific block of cells encoded in a . … In general, bitwise optimizations require representing cellular automaton rules not by simple look-up tables but rather by Boolean expressions, which must be derived for each rule and can be quite complicated (see page 869 ). Applying the rules can however be made faster by using bitslicing to avoid shift operations.
Additive rules See page 1092 .
Rule emulations See pages 702 and 1118 .
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