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All too often, however, inadequate amounts of data have ended up being subjected to elaborate statistical analyses whose results are then blindly assumed to represent definitive scientific conclusions. In the 1980s, at least in some fields, traditional statistical analysis began to become less popular, being replaced by more direct examination of data presented graphically by computer.
[Spectra of] random block sequences Analytical forms for all but the last spectrum are: 1 , u 2 /(1 + 8u 2 ) , 1/(1 + 8 u 2 ) , u 2 , (1 - 4u 2 ) 2 /(1 - 5u 2 + 8u 4 ) , u 2 /(1 - 5u 2 + 8u 4 ) , u 2 + 1/36 DiracDelta[ ω - 1/3] , where u = Cos[ π ω ] , and ω runs from 0 to 1/2 in each plot. … The transitions between these states have probabilities given by m[Map[Length, list]] where m[s_] := With[{q = FoldList[Plus, 0, s]}, ReplacePart[ RotateRight[IdentityMatrix[Last[q]], {0, 1}], 1/Length[s], Flatten[Outer[List, Rest[q], Drop[q, -1] + 1], 1]]] The average spectrum of sequences generated according to these probabilities can be obtained by computing the correlation function for elements a distance r apart ξ [list_, r_] := With[{w = (# - Apply[Plus, #]/Length[#] &)[ Flatten[list]]}, w .
Given an original DNF list s , this can be done using PI[s, n] : PI[s_, n_] := Union[Flatten[ FixedPointList[f[Last[#], n] &, {{}, s}] 〚 All, 1 〛 , 1]] g[a_, b_] := With[{i = Position[Transpose[{a, b}], {0,1}]}, If[Length[i]  1 && Delete[a, i] === Delete[b, i], {ReplacePart[a, _, i]}, {}]] f[s_, n_] := With[ {w = Flatten[Apply[Outer[g, #1, #2, 1] &, Partition[Table[ Select[s, Count[#, 1]  i &], {i, 0, n}], 2, 1], {1}], 3]}, {Complement[s, w, SameTest  MatchQ], w}] The minimal DNF then consists of a collection of these prime implicants. Sometimes it is all of them, but increasingly often when n ≥ 3 it is only some. … Given the original list s and the complete prime implicant list p the so-called Quine–McCluskey procedure can be used to find a minimal list of prime implicants, and thus a minimal DNF: QM[s_, p_] := First[Sort[Map[p 〚 # 〛 &, h[{}, Range[Length[s]], Outer[MatchQ, s, p, 1]]]]] h[i_, r_, t_] := Flatten[Map[h[Join[i, r 〚 # 〛 ], Drop[r, #], Delete[Drop[t, {}, #], Position[t 〚 All, # 〛 ], {True}]]] &, First[Sort[Position[#, True] &, t]]]], 1] h[i_, _, {}] := {i} The number of steps required in this procedure can increase exponentially with the length of p .
.}] = 0 g[{1, s__}] := 1 + g[IntegerDigits[FromDigits[{s}, 2] + 1, 2]] The list of elements in the sequence up to value m is given by Flatten[Table[Table[n, {IntegerExponent[n, 2] + 1}], {n, m}]] The differences between the first 2 (2 k -1) of these elements is Nest[Replace[#, {x___}  {x, 1, x, 0}]&, {}, k] The largest n for which f[n]  m is given by 2m + 1 - DigitCount[m, 2, 1] or IntegerExponent[(2m)!… The total lengths of these chains (corresponding to the depth of the evaluation tree) seem to increase roughly like Log[n] for all the rules on this page. … The maximum number of distinct nodes at any level in the tree has large fluctuations but its peaks seem to increase roughly linearly for all the rules on this page (in the Fibonacci case it is Ceiling[n/2] ).
In general, however, a 1D cellular automaton rule can be given as a set of explicit replacements for all possible blocks of cells in each neighborhood (see page 60 ). … In each case, the use of Partition could be replaced by Transpose[Table[RotateLeft[a, i], {i, -r, r}]] .
With this setup, a network consisting of just one node is {{1, 1}} and a 1D array of n nodes can be obtained with CyclicNet[n_] := RotateRight[ Table[Mod[{i - 1, i + 1}, n] + 1, {i, n}]] With above connections represented as 1 and the below connections as 2 , the node reached by following a succession s of connections from node i is given by Follow[list_, i_, s_List] := Fold[list 〚 #1 〛 〚 #2 〛 &, i, s] The total number of distinct nodes reached by following all possible succession of connections up to length d is given by NeighborNumbers[list_, i_Integer, d_Integer] := Map[Length, NestList[Union[Flatten[list 〚 # 〛 ]] &, Union[list 〚 i 〛 ], d - 1]] For each such list the rules for the network system then specify how the connections from node i should be rerouted. … With rules set up in this way, each step in the evolution of a network system is given by NetEvolveStep[{depth_Integer, rule_List}, list_List] := Block[ {new = {}}, Join[Table[Map[NetEvolveStep1[#, list, i] &, Replace[NeighborNumbers[list, i, depth], rule]], {i, Length[list]}], new]] NetEvolveStep1[s : {___Integer}, list_, i_] := Follow[list, i, s] NetEvolveStep1[{s1 : {___Integer}, s2 : {___Integer}}, list_, i_] := Length[list] + Length[ AppendTo[new, {Follow[list, i, s1], Follow[list, i, s2]}]] The set of nodes that can be reached from node i is given by ConnectedNodes[list_, i_] := FixedPoint[Union[Flatten[{#, list 〚 # 〛 }]] &, {i}] and disconnected nodes can be removed using RenumberNodes[list_, seq_] := Map[Position[seq, #] 〚 1, 1 〛 &, list 〚 seq 〛 , {2}] The sequence of networks obtained on successive steps by applying the rules and then removing all nodes not connected to node number 1 is given by NetEvolveList[rule_, init_, t_Integer] := NestList[(RenumberNodes[#, ConnectedNodes[#, 1]] &)[ NetEvolveStep[rule, #]] &, init, t] Note that the nodes in each network are not necessarily numbered in the order that they appear on successive lines in the pictures in the main text.
One trivial way to do so is to take a universal system but modify it so that if it ever halts its output is discarded and, say, replaced by its original input. … All these cells are initially white, but some eventually become black—and the system is considered to halt for a particular input if the corresponding cell ever becomes black. … To set up the generalized diagonal argument one needs a way to list all possible programs.
The function is total (i.e. defined for all x ) if the Turing machine always halts; otherwise it is partial (and undefined for at least some x ). … Machine 1447 (example (e)) computes the function which takes the digit sequence of x and replaces its first 3 + IntegerExponent[x + 1, 2] 0's by 1's. … And no Turing machine of any size can directly compute a function like x 2 , 2x or Mod[x, 2] that involves manipulating all digits in x .
Starting with a list of nodes, the nodes reached by following arcs with value a for one step are given by NetStep[net_, i_, a_] := Union[ReplaceList[a, Flatten[net 〚 i 〛 ]]] A list of values then corresponds to a path in the network starting from any node if Fold[NetStep[net, #1, #2]&, Range[Length[net]], list] =!… Starting from the set of all possible sequences, as given by AllNet[k_:2] := {Thread[(Range[k] - 1)  1]} this then yields for rule 126 the network {{0  1, 1  2}, {1  3, 1  4}, {1  1, 1  2}, {1  3, 0  4}} It is always possible to find a minimal network that represents a set of sequences. … = {}, AllNet[k], q = ISets[b = Map[Table[ Position[d, NetStep[net, #, a]] 〚 1, 1 〛 , {a, 0, k - 1}]&, d]]; DeleteCases[MapIndexed[#2 〚 2 〛 - 1  #1 &, Rest[ Map[Position[q, #] 〚 1, 1 〛 &, Transpose[Map[Part[#, Map[ First, q]]&, Transpose[b]]], {2}]] - 1, {2}], _  0, {2}]]] DSets[net_, k_:2] := FixedPoint[Union[Flatten[Map[Table[NetStep[net, #, a], {a, 0, k - 1}]&, #], 1]]&, {Range[Length[net]]}] ISets[list_] := FixedPoint[Function[g, Flatten[Map[ Map[Last, Split[Sort[Part[Transpose[{Map[Position[g, #] 〚 1, 1 〛 &, list, {2}], Range[Length[list]]}], #]], First[#1]  First[#2]&], {2}]&, g], 1]], {{1}, Range[2, Length[list]]}] If net has q nodes, then in general MinNet[net] can have as many as 2 q -1 nodes.
Typical of early systems was the substitution cipher of Julius Caesar , in which every letter was cyclically shifted in the alphabet by three positions, with A being replaced by D, B by E, and so on. … Present-day publicly available cryptographic systems are almost all based on variants of either DES (such as the IDEA system of PGP), linear feedback shift registers or RSA.