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For though there are connections of all sorts, this book is first and foremost about a fundamentally new intellectual structure, that needs to be understood in its own terms, and cannot reasonably be fit into any existing framework.
And instead most of them must be viewed just as the results of shared history—and the need to fit in with human cognitive abilities.
Each of these types probably has proteins that form pockets with definite shapes, making it respond to molecules whose shapes fit into these pockets.
The grid in the pictures above fits over the pattern in a very regular way.
Informal studies have been done by a whole sequence of architects interested both in codifying possible forms and in finding ways to make structures fit in with nature and with our perception of it.
And a large part of the way this has been done in practice is just through comparison with known examples that fit into an overall pattern of gradual historical change.
In the Middle Ages there was discussion about how the non-material character of God might fit in with ideas about space. … Gravity has never fit very well into this framework.
It is often convenient to fit s n for large n to the form 2 h n , where h is the so-called spatial (topological) entropy (see page 1084 ), given by Log[2, κ ] .
And indeed having understood its basic elements, it becomes vastly easier to understand many aspects of traditional science, and to see how they fit into the whole framework of knowledge.
It is certainly possible that they could increase like NestList[# 2 &, 2, n] , or 2 2 n , although for x = (20 4 s - 2)/3 a better fit for n ≤ 200 is just 2 2.6 n , with outputs increasing like 2 2 1.3 n .