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No persistent structures of any size exist in this cellular automaton with repetition periods of less than 5 steps.
approach is to work like a naturalist—exploring and studying the various forms that exist in the world of simple programs.
For larger searches, I sometimes created optimized C programs that were controlled via MathLink from within Mathematica—though with the versions of Mathematica that exist today this would now be unnecessary.
The system works by partitioning the sequence of cells that exists at each step into pairs, then replacing these pairs by other pairs according to the rule shown.
Indeed, questions like "does there exist a way to transmit information faster than light?"
And those with mathematical backgrounds tend to add features to make their systems fit in with complicated and abstract ideas—often related to continuity—that exist in modern mathematics.
Quarks exist inside hadrons like the proton and pion, but never seem to occur as ordinary free particles. … Gravitons associated with gravitational forces presumably also exist. … Most particles exist in several variations.
Despite the apparent complexity of the patterns, a fairly simple mathematical formula thus exists for the color of each square they contain.
Whether any odd perfect numbers exist is probably the single oldest unsolved problem in mathematics. … Looking at curve (b) on page 135 , however, it does not seem inconceivable that an odd perfect number could exist.
Physics as intelligence From the point of view of traditional thinking about intelligence in the universe it might seem like an extremely bizarre possibility that perhaps intelligence could exist at a very small scale, and in effect have spread throughout the universe, building as an artifact everything we see.
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