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For any number x the first n digits are given by Ceiling[NestList[(2 - Mod[-#, 1]) 2 &, x 2 , n - 1] - 2] Even rational numbers such as 3/2 do not yield simple digit sequences.
But the point is that the specific method used for making practical linear congruential generators does not yield particularly good randomness and has led to some incorrect intuition about the generation of randomness.
Some species deposit material in a highly regular way every day; others seem to do it intermittently over periods of months or years.
Note that this solution in effect constructs a nested pattern of any width (it does this by optionally including or excluding one additional cell at each nesting level, using a mechanism related to the decimation systems of page 909 ).
(Proposals discussed in quantum cosmology since the 1980s that for example just involve requiring the universe to satisfy final but not initial boundary condition constraints do not fit well into my kinds of models.)
But while the system was successful with a few simple theorems the searches it had to do rapidly became far too slow. … Almost any proof that was easy to do by hand almost always seemed to come out automatically in just a few steps. And the overall ability to do proofs—at least in pure operator systems—seemed vastly to exceed that of any human.
. • (n) The set of strings produced is complicated, and seems to include many but not all that do not end with . • (o) All strings that do not end in are produced. • (p) All strings are produced, except ones in which every element after the first is white.
Traditional mathematical models of natural systems are often expressed in terms of probabilities, but do not normally involve anything one can explicitly consider as randomness. Models used in computer simulations, however, do very often use explicit randomness.
And with this notation, what the rule does is to specify how f[n] should be calculated from previous numbers in the sequence.
And to address this question, what I will do in this section is to consider a generalization of cellular automata in which each cell is not just black or white, but instead can have any of a continuous range of possible levels of gray.
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