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So as a consequence, what I do in the remainder of this section is to track only the piece that includes the first node shown in pictures such as those Networks from previous pictures laid out in a uniform way.
One simple scheme for doing this is based on looking at the two connections that come out of each node, and then performing one operation if these two connections lead to the same node, and another if the connections lead to different nodes.
So how can one do better?
And what we see is that the entropy does indeed tend to increase, just as the Second Law implies.
The pictures below show two examples of rules that do.
Most multiway systems, however, do not have exactly this property, and as a result the causal networks that are obtained by following different paths in them will not be absolutely identical.
But so how do cellular automata with all these different rules behave?
For even though the detailed placement of black and white cells in the first two pictures does not seem simple to describe, at an overall level these pictures still admit a quite simple description: in essence they just involve a kind of uniform randomness in which every region looks more or less the same as every other.
But for run-length encoding it turns out that ordinary base 2 digit sequences do not quite work.
I do not think so.
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