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The pictures on the next page show typical examples based on cellular automata that exhibit repetitive and nested behavior.
But as the pictures on the facing page and in Chapter 10 illustrate, if one allows more general kinds of underlying rules then it becomes quite straightforward to set up procedures that with very little computational effort can find the color of any element in any nested pattern.
But as we saw in Chapter 10 , in almost any case where there is not just repetitive or nested behavior, our normal powers of perception and analysis recognize very few regularities—even though at some level the behavior we see may still be generated by extremely simple rules.
the system from some particular initial condition will ever generate a specific arrangement of cell colors—or whether it will yield a pattern that is, say, ultimately repetitive or ultimately nested.
And for systems with sufficiently simple behavior—say repetitive or nested—the pictures on page 744 indicate that one can typically determine the outcome with an amount of effort that is essentially proportional to the length of this digit sequence.
But as we saw in Chapter 10 even signals that are nested rather than purely repetitive cannot reliably be recognized just by looking for peaks in frequency spectra.
With this setup, a network consisting of just one node is {{1, 1}} and a 1D array of n nodes can be obtained with CyclicNet[n_] := RotateRight[ Table[Mod[{i - 1, i + 1}, n] + 1, {i, n}]] With above connections represented as 1 and the below connections as 2 , the node reached by following a succession s of connections from node i is given by Follow[list_, i_, s_List] := Fold[list 〚 #1 〛 〚 #2 〛 &, i, s] The total number of distinct nodes reached by following all possible succession of connections up to length d is given by NeighborNumbers[list_, i_Integer, d_Integer] := Map[Length, NestList[Union[Flatten[list 〚 # 〛 ]] &, Union[list 〚 i 〛 ], d - 1]] For each such list the rules for the network system then specify how the connections from node i should be rerouted. … With rules set up in this way, each step in the evolution of a network system is given by NetEvolveStep[{depth_Integer, rule_List}, list_List] := Block[ {new = {}}, Join[Table[Map[NetEvolveStep1[#, list, i] &, Replace[NeighborNumbers[list, i, depth], rule]], {i, Length[list]}], new]] NetEvolveStep1[s : {___Integer}, list_, i_] := Follow[list, i, s] NetEvolveStep1[{s1 : {___Integer}, s2 : {___Integer}}, list_, i_] := Length[list] + Length[ AppendTo[new, {Follow[list, i, s1], Follow[list, i, s2]}]] The set of nodes that can be reached from node i is given by ConnectedNodes[list_, i_] := FixedPoint[Union[Flatten[{#, list 〚 # 〛 }]] &, {i}] and disconnected nodes can be removed using RenumberNodes[list_, seq_] := Map[Position[seq, #] 〚 1, 1 〛 &, list 〚 seq 〛 , {2}] The sequence of networks obtained on successive steps by applying the rules and then removing all nodes not connected to node number 1 is given by NetEvolveList[rule_, init_, t_Integer] := NestList[(RenumberNodes[#, ConnectedNodes[#, 1]] &)[ NetEvolveStep[rule, #]] &, init, t] Note that the nodes in each network are not necessarily numbered in the order that they appear on successive lines in the pictures in the main text.
But even with an additive rule and nested behavior, the period depends on quantities like MultiplicativeOrder[2, n] , which probably take more like n steps to evaluate.
P versus NP questions Most programs that are explicitly constructed to solve specific problems tend at some level to have rather simple behavior—often just repetitive or nested, so long as appropriate number representations are used.
If the last 2 axioms are dropped any statement can readily be proved true or false essentially just by running rule 110 for a finite number of steps equal to the number of nested ↓ plus 〈 … 〉 in the statement.
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