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One prediction of the usual version of this mechanism for mass is that a definite Higgs particle should exist—which in the minimal Standard Model experiments should observe fairly soon.
The idea of labelling entities in geometrical diagrams by letters existed in Babylonian and Greek times.
And if one assumes—as is usually implicitly done in traditional mathematics—that any solutions that exist to these equations can somehow always be found then at least in principle this allows computations impossible for discrete systems to be done.
But since there is no fundamental basis for the randomness approximation, it is still conceivable that a particular value of n exists that does not follow its predictions.
No solutions exist when a = 9n ± 4 ; for a = n 3 or 2n 3 infinite families of solutions are known.
If one somehow changes the space in which a vacuum exists, there can be directly observable effects of vacuum fluctuations.
History of discrete [models of] space
The idea that matter might be made up of discrete particles existed in antiquity (see page 876 ), and occasionally the notion was discussed that space might also be discrete—and that this might for example be a way of avoiding issues like Zeno's paradox.
Traditional evolutionary explanations have not had much to say about detailed questions of leaf shape; one minor claim is that the pointed tips at the ends of many tropical leaves exist to allow moisture to drip off the leaves.
Such a limiting pattern exists only within the unit circle Abs[c] < 1 .
Before the 1960s it had been hoped that in accordance with the Hauptvermutung of combinatorial topology it would be possible to tell whether a continuous mapping and thus topological equivalence exists between manifolds just by seeing whether subdivisions of simplicial complexes for them could be identical.