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The Threshold of Universality in Cellular Automata…In the case of the 19-color universal cellular automaton on page 645 it turns out that encodings in which individual black and white cells are represented by particular 20-cell blocks are sufficient to allow the universal cellular automaton to emulate all 256 possible elementary cellular automata—with one step in the evolution of each of these corresponding to 53 steps in the evolution of the original system.
And indeed if one were to talk about how the cellular automaton seems to behave one might well say that it just decides to do this or that—thereby effectively attributing to it some sort of free will. … For if one looks at the individual cells in the cellular automaton one can plainly see that they just follow definite rules, with absolutely no freedom at all. … And it is in this separation, I believe, that the basic origin of the apparent freedom we see in all sorts of systems lies—whether those systems are abstract cellular automata or actual living brains.
As the picture on the next page indicates, it is quite straightforward to set up an axiom system that deals with logical statements about a system like a cellular automaton. And within such an axiom system one can ask questions such as whether the cellular automaton will ever behave in a particular way after any number of steps. … So from this one might conclude that as soon as one looks at cellular automata or other kinds of systems beyond those normally studied in mathematics it must immediately become effectively impossible to make progress using traditional mathematical methods.
Emulating Cellular Automata with Other Systems…And as soon as one knows that any particular type of system is capable of emulating any cellular automaton, it immediately follows that there must be examples of that type of system that are universal. … But to demonstrate that cyclic tag systems can manage to emulate cellular automata is not quite as straightforward as to do this for the various kinds of systems we have discussed so far. … Symbolic systems set up to emulate cellular automata that have rules 90 and 30.
Emulating Cellular Automata with Other Systems…And through the construction of page 665 this then finally shows that a cyclic tag system can successfully emulate any cellular automaton—and can thus be universal. … And although it is again slightly complicated, the pictures on the next page — and below —show how even these systems can be made to emulate Turing machines and thus cellular automata.
Probabilistic rules [for cellular automata] There appears to be a discrete transition as a function of the size of the perturbations, similar to phase transitions seen in the phenomenon of directed percolation. Note that if one just uses the original cellular automata rules, then with any nonzero probability of reversing the colors of cells, the patterns will be essentially destroyed. With more complicated cellular automaton rules, one can get behavior closer to the continuous cellular automata shown here.
Cellular Automata…[No text on this page] Patterns generated by a sequence of two-dimensional cellular automaton rules.
Cellular Automata…[No text on this page] A two-dimensional cellular automaton that yields a pattern with a rough surface.
[No text on this page] A two-dimensional cellular automaton first shown on page 178 with the rule that if out of the eight neighbors (including diagonals) around a given cell, there are exactly three black cells, then the cell itself becomes black on the next step.
Sequence (e) is generated by a linear feedback shift register (essentially an additive cellular automaton) with tap positions {2, 11} . … Sequence (g) is the center column of the pattern generated by the rule 30 cellular automaton.
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