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Some of them, for example, are part of the regular background, while others are part of one or another localized structure.
But while features such as the shapes of leaves typically differ greatly between different plants, there are also some seemingly quite sophisticated aspects of plants that typically remain almost exactly the same across a huge range of species.
For while it may be somewhat tedious, it is certainly possible to work out the behavior of something like a cellular automaton by hand.
But while this may be a dominant effect on timescales of order weeks or months—and in some cases perhaps even hours or days—it is difficult to believe that it can account for the apparent randomness that is often seen on timescales as short as minutes or even seconds.
What instead happens is that kinds of membranes form between different regions of the system, and within each region orderly behavior can then occur, at least while the membrane survives.
And while it takes only rather basic
And while these laws are traditionally stated in terms of sophisticated mathematical equations, their basic character is similar to the simple constraints on arrays of black and white cells that I discussed at the end of Chapter 5 .
And while they can get from one point to another through the large number of connections that define the background space, they cannot in a sense fit through a small number of connections in a thread.
And more important, while such definitions may perhaps be of some conceptual interest, they correspond very poorly with our intuitive notion of randomness.
With 0 representing white, 1 gray and 2 black, the rightmost element of the rule gives the result for average color 0, while the element immediately to its left gives the result for average color 1/3—and so on.
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