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161 - 170 of 234 for Take
And my first idea was to try to organize the academic community to take advantage of them.
For it was not enough just to be able to take a few specific technical steps.
But now the specific rule used—that I call rule 110—takes the new color of a cell to be black in every case except when the previous colors of the cell and its two neighbors were all the same, or when the left neighbor was black and the cell and its right neighbor were both white.
For all it takes is that systems in nature operate like typical programs and then it follows that their behavior will often be complex.
Presumably most of the processes that are important take place while leaves are still folded up inside buds, and are not yet very solid.
But in the approach that I take here, motion is no longer such an intrinsic concept, and the motion of a particle must be thought of as a process that is made up of a whole sequence of explicit lower-level steps.
So even though the actual result that we take away from a measurement may be quite simple, many particles—and many events—
One simple approach illustrated below is to consider a sequence of elements produced by the system, and then to take each element to correspond to a vibration for a brief time—say a thousandth of a second—in one of two directions.
And in any system the only way to be able to guarantee to know this in general is to have some way to shortcut the evolution of the system, and to be able to reduce to a finite computation what takes the system an infinite number of steps to do.
When one does practical computing one tends to assess the difficulty of a computation by seeing how much time it takes and perhaps how big a program it involves and how much memory it needs.
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