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151 - 160 of 213 for Block
Multiway systems can in general use any sets of rules that define replacements for blocks of elements in sequences.
The idea is to set up templates that involve complete 3×3 blocks of cells, including diagonal neighbors.
A highly compressed representation of the evolution of rule 110 from random initial conditions in which only the first cell in every 14×7 block is sampled.
The evolution of overall density for block cellular automata (c) and (d) from the previous page .
It is also easy to extend block-based encoding to two dimensions: all one need do is to assign codewords to two-dimensional rather than Examples of one-dimensional pointer-based encoding applied to patterns produced by cellular automata.
And thus for example the values of all cells represented by an integer variable a can be updated in parallel according to rule 30 by the single C statement a = a > > 1 ^ (a | a < < 1); This statement, however, will only update the specific block of cells encoded in a . Gluing together updates to a sequence of such blocks requires slightly intricate code.
[Spectra of] random block sequences Analytical forms for all but the last spectrum are: 1 , u 2 /(1 + 8u 2 ) , 1/(1 + 8 u 2 ) , u 2 , (1 - 4u 2 ) 2 /(1 - 5u 2 + 8u 4 ) , u 2 /(1 - 5u 2 + 8u 4 ) , u 2 + 1/36 DiracDelta[ ω - 1/3] , where u = Cos[ π ω ] , and ω runs from 0 to 1/2 in each plot. Given a list of blocks such as {{1, 1}, {0}} each element of Flatten[list] can be thought of as a state in a finite automaton or a Markov process (see page 1084 ).
In the limit, such sequences contain with equal frequency all possible blocks of any given length, but as shown on page 597 , they exhibit other obvious deviations from randomness. The picture below shows the k = 2 sequence chopped into length 256 blocks.
., where now the block of digits 142857 repeats forever.
Constraint 1125528937 leads to a pattern that repeats in 98×98 blocks.
1 ... 13141516 ...