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121 - 130 of 147 for True
The same can be true of patterns produced by wind on sand or rocks.
And in the 1980s many such randomized algorithms were invented, but by the mid-1990s it was realized that most did not require any kind of true randomness, and could readily be derandomized and made more predictable. … And the same is true when one picks unique IDs, say to keep track of repeat web transactions with a low probability of collisions.
And while with sufficient effort it is usually possible to give fairly simple explanations for fundamental ideas in science, the same may not be true of their history.
One point to notice is that the sharp change which characterizes any phase transition can only be a true discontinuity in the limit of an infinitely large system.
But the details of the connection with true turbulence remained unclear.
For n = 2 , the largest number of such operations is 6, achieved by Nor ; for n = 3 , it is 14, achieved by Xor (rule 150); for n = 4 , it is 27, achieved by rule 5737, which is Not[Xor[##]] & except when all inputs are True .
Rules that show complicated behavior usually do not seem to have conserved quantities, and this is true for example of rules 30, 90 and 110, at least up to blocks of length 10.
But with the rise of quantum mechanics it came to be believed throughout mainstream physics that any true fundamental model must be abstract and mathematical—and never ultimately amenable to any kind of direct mechanistic description.
But although it will presumably change in the future it remained true in 2001 that half of all drugs in use are derived from just 32 families of compounds.
What the theorem shows is that there are statements that can be formulated within the standard axiom system for arithmetic but which cannot be proved true or false within that system.
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