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121 - 130 of 205 for Exists
But in my experience the only way to find phenomena that one does not already know exist is to do very systematic and general experiments, and then to look at the results with as few preconceptions as possible.
that follow [ 6 , 7 ], my guess is that at the lowest level there will just be certain patterns of connectivity that tend to exist, and that space as we know it will then emerge from these patterns as a kind of large-scale limit.
But I very much doubt that any such obvious symmetry between space and time exists in the fundamental rules for our universe.
The most they will be able to tell is that a certain network of causal relationships exists—and their perception of time must therefore derive purely from the properties of this network.
But more generally one can think of following criss-crossing connections that exist in some fixed fragment of a causal network.
For this suggests that there is in effect a unique history to every particle interaction—determined by the initial conditions and the configuration that exists in the random background.
And one might therefore suppose that an alien intelligence could exist which would be able to look at our pictures and immediately tell that they were produced by a very simple procedure.
But even though no simple formula may exist, it is still always in principle possible to represent the outcome of any process of cellular automaton evolution by at least some kind of formula.
One might in the past have assumed that if a simple description existed of some piece of data, then with appropriate thinking and intelligence it would usually not be too difficult to find it.
Yet when it comes to seemingly much more mundane and everyday types of thinking the computers and programs that exist at present tend to be almost farcically inadequate.
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