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And it follows that in this case the pattern generated after a certain number of steps from a single non-white cell will always be the same as one gets by going k times that number of steps and then keeping only every k th row and column.
Part (c) of the picture then shows which instructions are executed for the first 400 times one of the registers has just decreased to zero.
So having seen this many times I now always try to follow the principle that one can never start with too simple a system.
But once again, in any practical implementation, the light would go around only a few tens of times before being affected by microscopic
But even with the fastest foreseeable computers, the actual period of repetition will typically be more than a billion billion times the age of the universe.
Many times in this book we have seen examples where different systems can yield very much the same overall behavior, even though the details of their underlying rules are quite different.
But the most obvious outward signs of complexity, manifest for example in textures and other morphological features, seem to have already been present even from very early times.
But as we have seen in discussing causal networks, it is in general quite arbitrary how one chooses to match up space at different times.
But as we have seen a great many times in the course of the book, what emerges from a program can be very different from what is obvious in its underlying rules.
Visual Perception In modern times it has usually come to be considered quite unscientific to base very much just on how things look to our eyes.
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