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And by making simple algebraic changes to the way that time enters a differential equation one can often arrange, as in the pictures below, that processes that would normally take an infinite time will actually always occur over only a finite time.
The plot shows the number of steps that this takes as a function of the input number x .
Note that particularly in computer languages higher redundancy is found if one takes account of grammatical structure.
Such interfaces work well if what one wants is basically to take a single object and apply operations to it.
The list representing the complete history of the resulting cyclic tag system can then be interpreted using
Map[Map[Position[#, 1] 〚 1, 1 〛 - 1 &, Partition[#, k]] &, Take[history, {1, -1, n k}]]
This construction is relevant to the proof of the universality of rule 110 starting on page 678 .
The cybernetics movement highlighted the question of what it takes for self-reproduction to occur autonomously, and in 1952 John von Neumann designed an elaborate 2D cellular automaton that would automatically make a copy of its initial configuration of cells (see page 876 ).
Implementation [of tag systems]
With the rules for case (a) on page 94 given for example by
{2, {{0, 0} {1, 1}, {1, 0} {}, {0, 1} {1, 0}, {1, 1} {0, 0, 0}}}
the evolution of a tag system can be obtained from
TSEvolveList[{n_, rule_}, init_, t_] := NestList[If[Length[#] < n, {}, Join[Drop[#, n], Take[#, n] /. rule]]&, init, t]
An alternative implementation is based on applying to the list at each step rules such as
{{0, 0, s___} {s, 1, 1}, {1, 0, s___} {s}, {0, 1, s___} {s, 1, 0}, {1, 1, s___} {s, 0, 0, 0}}
There are a total of ((k r + 1 - 1)/(k - 1)) k n possible rules if blocks up to length r can be added at each step and k colors are allowed.
Extended instruction sets [for register machines]
One can consider also including instructions such as
RMExecute[eq[r1_, r2_, m_], {n_, list_}] := If[list 〚 r1 〛 list 〚 r2 〛 , {m, list}, {n + 1, list}]
RMExecute[add[r1_, r2_], {n_, list_}] := {n + 1, ReplacePart[list, list 〚 r1 〛 + list 〚 r2 〛 , r1]}
RMExecute[jmp[r1_], {n_, list_}] := {list 〚 r1 〛 , list}
Note that by being able to add and subtract only 1 at each step, the register machines shown in the main text necessarily operate quite slowly: they always take at least n steps to build up a number of size n .
Substitution systems in which all replacements are done that are found to fit in a left-to-right scan can be implemented as follows
GSSEvolveList[rule_, s_, n_] := NestList[GSSStep[rule, #] &, s, n]
GSSStep[rule_, s_] := g[rule, s, f[StringPosition[s, Map[First, rule]]]]
f[{ }] = { }; f[s_] := Fold[If[Last[Last[#1]] ≥ First[#2], #1, Append[#1, #2]]&, {First[s]}, Rest[s]]
g[rule_, s_, { }] := s; g[rule_, s_, pos_] := StringReplacePart[ s, Map[StringTake[s, #] &, pos] /. rule, pos]
with rules given as {"ABA" "BAAB", "BBBB" "AA"} .
The Central Limit Theorem leads to a self-similarity property for the Gaussian distribution: if one takes n numbers that follow Gaussian distributions, then their average should also follow a Gaussian distribution, though with a standard deviation that is 1/ √ n times smaller.