white squares exists that satisfies the constraint that on every row there is at least one square whose color agrees with the color of the corresponding square in the sequence.

To see the equivalence to questions about Turing machines one imagines breaking the description of the behavior of a Turing machine into a sequence of elementary statements: whether the head is in a particular state on a particular step, whether a certain cell has a particular color, and so on. The underlying rules for the Turing machine then define constraints on which sequences of such statements can be true. And in the picture on the facing page almost every row of black, white and gray squares corresponds to one such constraint.

The last row, however, represents the further constraint that the head of the Turing machine must at some point go further to the right than it starts. And this means that to ask whether there is any sequence in the satisfiability problem that obeys all the constraints is equivalent to finding the answer to the Turing machine problem described above.

Starting from satisfiability it is possible to show that all sorts of well-known computational problems in discrete mathematics are NP-complete. And in addition almost any undecidable problem that involves simple constraints—such as the correspondence problem on page 757—turns out to be NP-complete if restricted to finite cases.

In studying the phenomenon of NP completeness what has mostly been done in the past is to try to construct particular instances of rather general problems that exhibit equivalence to other problems. But almost always what is actually constructed is quite complicated—and certainly not something one would expect to occur at all often.

Yet on the basis of intuition from the Principle of Computational Equivalence I strongly suspect that in most cases there are already quite simple instances of general NP-complete problems that are just as difficult as any NP-complete problem. And so, for example, I suspect that it does not take a cellular automaton nearly as complicated as the one on page 767 for it to be an NP-complete problem to determine whether initial conditions exist that lead to particular behavior.

From Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science [citation]