In general, if one wants to find a piece of data that has a certain property—either exact or approximate—then one way to do this is just to scan all the pieces of data that one has stored, and test each of them in turn. But even if one does all sorts of parallel processing this approach presumably in the end becomes quite impractical.

So what can one then do? In the case of exact matches there are a couple of approaches that are widely used in practice.

Probably the most familiar is what is done in typical dictionaries: all the entries are arranged in alphabetical order, so that when one looks something up one does not need to scan every single entry but instead one can quickly home in on just the entry one wants.

Practical database systems almost universally use a slightly more efficient scheme known as hashing. The basic idea is to have some definite procedure that takes any word or other piece of data and derives from it a so-called hash code which is used to determine where the data will be stored. And the point is that if one is looking for a particular piece of data, one can then apply this same procedure to that data, get the hash code for the data, and immediately determine where the data would have been stored.

But to make this work, does one need a complex hashing procedure that is carefully tuned to the particular kind of data one is dealing with? It turns out that one does not. And in fact, all that is really necessary is that the hashing procedure generate enough randomness that even though there may be regularities in the original data, the hash codes that are produced still end up being distributed roughly uniformly across all possibilities.

And as one might expect from the results in this book, it is easy to achieve this even with extremely simple programs—either based on numbers, as in most practical database systems, or based on systems like cellular automata.

So what this means is that regardless of what kind of data one is storing, it takes only a very simple program to set up a hashing scheme that lets one retrieve pieces of data very efficiently. And I suspect that at least some aspects of this kind of mechanism are involved in the operation of human memory.

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From Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science [citation]