Many sine functions
Adding many sine functions yields a so-called Fourier series (see page 1074). The pictures below show Sum[Sin[n x]/n, {n, k}]Sum[Sin[n x]/n, {n, k}]
for various numbers of terms k. Apart from a glitch that gets narrower with increasing k (the so-called Gibbs phenomenon), the result has a simple triangular form. Other so-called Fourier series in which the coefficient of Sin[m x]Sin[m x]
is a smooth function of m for all integer m yield similarly simple results.
The pictures below show Sum[Sin[n2 x]/n2, {n, k}]Sum[Sin[\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\),\(2\)]\) x]/\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\),\(2\)]\),{n,k}
, where in effect all coefficients of Sin[m x]Sin[m x]
other than those where m is a perfect square are set to zero. The result is a much more complicated curve. Note that for x of the form p π/qp π/q
, the k = ∞k = ∞
sum is just
(π/q/(2q))2 Sum[Sin[n2 p π/q]/Sin[n π/(2q)]2, {n, q - 1}]\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\((\[Pi]/(2q))\),\(2\)]\) \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Sum[Sin[\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\),\(2\)]\) p \[Pi]/q]/Sin[n \[Pi]/(2q)]\),\(2\)]\),{n,q-1}]
The pictures below show Sum[Cos[2n x], {n, k}]Sum[Cos[\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(2\),\(n\)]\) x],{n,k}]
(as studied by Karl Weierstrass in 1872). The curves obtained in this case show a definite nested structure, in which the value at a point x is essentially determined directly from the base 2 digit sequence of x. (See also page 1080.)
The curves below are approximations to Sum[Cos[2n x]/2a n, {n, ∞}]Sum[Cos[\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(2\),\(n\)]\) x]/\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(2\),\(a n\)]\),{n,\[Infinity]}]
. They can be thought of as having dimensions 2 - a2 - a
and smoothed power spectra ω-(1 + 2a)\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(\[Omega]\),\(-(1+2a)\)]\)