Index of Names

Fano, Robert M. (USA, 1917–[2016)]
and data compression, 1069

Fedorov, Evgraf S. (Russia, 1853–1919)
and shapes of 3D domains, 929

Feigenbaum, Mitchell J. (USA, 1944–[2019])
and computer experiments, 899
and iterated maps, 921
in Preface, xiii

Fejes Tóth, László (Hungary, 1915–[2005])
and circle packing, 985

Fermat, Pierre de (France, 1601–1665)
and Fermat's Last Theorem, 1166
and primes, 909

Fermi, Enrico (Italy/USA, 1901–1954)
and computer experiments, 879, 899
and extraterrestrial contact, 1191
and statistical mechanics, 1020

Feynman, Carl R. (USA, 1962– )
and cryptanalysis of rule 30, 1087
in Preface, xiii

Feynman, Richard P. (USA, 1918–1988)
and cryptanalysis of rule 30, 1087
and discrete quantum models, 1060
and discreteness of space, 1027
and path integrals, 1057
and physics and computation, 1126
in Preface, xii, xiii, xiv

Fibonacci, Leonardo (Pisano) (Italy, ~1170 – ~1250)
and digital numbers, 902
and Fibonacci numbers, 891
and rabbit populations, 1002
and tables of primes, 910
and trees, 893

Finkelstein, David R. (USA, 1929–[2016])
and discreteness of space, 1027
in Preface, xiii

Fisher, Ronald A. (England, 1890–1962)
and random number tables, 968

FitzGerald, George F. (Ireland, 1851–1901)
and relativity theory, 1041

Fourier, J. B. Joseph (France, 1768–1830)
and Fourier analysis, 1072

Fowle, Frank F. (USA, 1877–1946)
and Walsh transforms, 1073

Fraenkel, Abraham A. (Germany/Israel, 1891–1965)
and set theory, 1154

Fredkin, Edward (USA, 1934– )
and CA self-reproduction, 1179
and cellular automata, 877, 879
and discreteness of space, 1027
in Preface, xiii
and reversible CAs, 1018
and universe as CA, 1026

Frege, F. L. Gottlob (Germany, 1848–1925)
and axioms for logic, 1151
and character of math, 1176
and foundations of math, 1149
and logic as basis for science, 860
and predicate logic, 1152

Freudenthal, Hans (Netherlands, 1905–1990)
and Lincos language, 1189

Friedberg, Richard M. (USA, 1935– )
and intermediate degrees, 1130

Friedman, William F. (USA, 1891–1969)
and cryptanalysis, 1086

Gacs, Peter (USA, 1947– )
in Preface, xiii
and transitions in CAs, 981

Galilei, Galileo (Italy, 1564–1642)
and Galilean invariance, 1041
and math in science, 859
and models vs. reality, 991
and nature of gravity, 1047
and the nature of space, 1028
and theoretical biology, 1003

Galois, Evariste (France, 1811–1832)
and group theory, 1153
and quadratic continued fractions, 915

Gardner, Martin (USA, 1914–[2010])
and Game of Life, 877

Gauss, J. Carl Friedrich (Germany, 1777–1855)
and Central Limit Theorem, 977
and curvature of surfaces, 1049
and Diophantine equations, 1164
and experimental math, 899
and extraterrestrials, 1189
and iterated maps, 919
and primes, 909
and sphere packings, 985, 986

Gegenbauer, Leopold B. (Austria, 1849–1903)
and GegenbauerC, 1091

Gentzen, Gerhard (Germany, 1909–1945)
and consistency of arithmetic, 1168
and transfinite induction, 1163

Gibbs, J. Willard (USA, 1839–1903)
and statistical mechanics, 1020

Gilbreth, Frank B. (USA, 1868–1924)
and causal networks, 1033

Gilbreth, Lillian E. M. (USA, 1878–1972)
and causal networks, 1033

Glaisher, James W. L. (England, 1848–1928)
and binomials mod k, 870

Gleick, James W. (USA, 1954– )
and chaos theory, 972

Gödel, Kurt F. (Austria/USA, 1906–1978)
and character of math, 1176
and consistency of arithmetic, 1168
and defining computability, 1126
and experiment in math, 899
and Gödel's Theorem, 879, 1158
and origins of universality, 1110
and predicate logic, 1152
and register machines, 896
and undecidability, 1136

Goethe, Johann W. v. (Germany, 1749–1832)
and morphology, 1004

Golay, Marcel J. E. (USA, 1902–1989)
and error-correcting codes, 1101
and hexagonal CAs, 928

Goldbach, Christian (Russia, 1690–1764)
and polynomials for primes, 909

Golomb, Solomon W. (USA, 1932–[2016])
and nonlinear shift registers, 878
and polyominoes, 943
in Preface, xiii
and shift registers, 879, 1088

Goodstein, Reuben L. (England, 1912–1985)
and Goodstein sequences, 1163

Gosper, R. William (USA, 1943– )
and dragon curves, 893
and experimental math, 899
and Game of Life, 965
in Preface, xiii

Grassmann, Hermann G. (Germany, 1809–1877)
and axioms for arithmetic, 1152

Gray, Alfred (USA, 1939–1998)
and parametric curves, 1009
in Preface, xiii

Green, Milton W. (USA, 1926– )
and sorting networks, 1142

Greenberg, James M. (USA, 1940– )
and reaction-diffusion, 1013

Grigorchuk, Rostislav I. (Ukraine/Russia, 1953– )
and intermediate growth groups, 938

Gromov, Mikhael L. (Russia/France/USA, 1943– )
in Preface, xiii
and random groups, 938

Hadamard, Jacques S. (France, 1865–1963)
and chaos theory, 971
and Hadamard matrices, 1073

Haken, Hermann P. J. (Germany, 1927– )
and reaction-diffusion, 1013

Hales, Stephen (England, 1677–1761)
and leaf growth, 1005

Hales, Thomas C. (USA, 1958– )
and sphere packings, 986

Hamming, Richard W. (USA, 1915–1998)
and error-correcting codes, 1101

Hankel, Hermann (Germany, 1839–1873)
and generalization in math, 1168

Hardy, G. Harold (England, 1877–1947)
and Goldbach's Conjecture, 911
and iterated maps, 919

Harrington, Leo A. (USA, 1946– )
and unprovable statements, 1163

Hartley, Ralph V. L. (USA, 1888–1970)
and information theory, 1181

Hartman, Hyman (USA, 1936– )
and CA classes, 948
in Preface, xiii

Hastings, Stuart P. (USA, 1937– )
and reaction-diffusion, 1013

Hawking, Stephen W. (England, 1942–[2018])
and black hole radiation, 1062

Hayek, Friedrich A. (Austria/England/USA/Germany, 1899–1992)
and free will, 1135

Hebb, Donald O. (Canada, 1904–1985)
and neural networks, 1099

Hedlund, Gustav A. (USA, 1904–1993)
in Preface, xiii
and shift-commuting block maps, 878
and surjective CAs, 960

Heighway, John E. (USA, 1930– )
and dragon curves, 893

Heisenberg, Werner K. (Germany, 1901–1976)
and matrix mechanics, 1056

Hellman, Martin E. (USA, 1945– )
and math cryptography, 1089

Helmholtz, Hermann L. F. v. (Germany, 1821–1894)
and sound perception, 1080

Hero (Heron) (Egypt, ~62 AD)
and computing devices, 1107

Higman, Graham (England, 1917–[2008])
and axioms for groups, 1153

Hilbert, David (Germany, 1862–1943)
and axioms for geometry, 1154
and character of math, 1176
and Diophantine equations, 1161
and foundations of math, 1149
and general relativity, 1052
and math in science, 859
and metamathematics, 1150
and space-filling curves, 893
and undecidability, 1136
and zeros of zeta function, 918

Hillenbrand, Thomas (Germany, 1970– )
and automated proofs, 1158

Hillman, David (USA, 1955– )
and axioms for logic, 1151
in Preface, xii

Hinton, Geoffrey E. (England/USA/Canada, 1947– )
and neural networks, 1100

Hippocrates of Chios (Greece, ~460 BC)
and embryology, 1010

Hobbes, Thomas (England, 1588–1679)
and free will, 1135
and nature of space, 1028

Hofmeister, Wilhelm F. B. (Germany, 1824–1877)
and phyllotaxis, 1007

Hofstadter, Douglas R. (USA, 1945– )
and recursive sequences, 880, 907

Hokusai, Katsushika (Japan, 1760–1849)
and fluid turbulence, 997

Holland, John H. (USA, 1929–[2015])
and genetic algorithms, 985
in Preface, xiii

Honda, Hisao (Japan, 1943– )
and branching in plants, 1005

Hooke, Robert (England, 1635–1703)
and snowflakes, 992

Hopfield, John J. (USA, 1933– )
and neural networks, 1100, 1102
in Preface, xiii

Hoyle, Fred (England, 1915–2001)
and extraterrestrials, 1190

Huffman, David A. (USA, 1925–1999)
and data compression, 1069

Humboldt, F. W. H. Alexander v. (Germany, 1769–1859)
and branching in plants, 1004

Hume, David (Scotland, 1711–1776)
and purposes in nature, 1185

Huntington, Edward V. (USA, 1874–1952)
and axioms for logic, 1151

Ising, Ernst (Germany/USA, 1900–1998)
and Ising model, 981

Jacobi, Carl G. J. (Germany, 1804–1851)
and sums of four squares, 910

Jacquard, Joseph–Marie (France, 1752–1834)
and programmable looms, 1107

Jansky, Karl G. (USA, 1905–1950)
and radio astronomy, 1188

Jen, Erica (USA, 1952– )
in Preface, xiii
and rule 30, 871

Jevons, W. Stanley (England, 1835–1882)
and logic machines, 1107

Jones, James P. (USA/Canada, 1941– )
and Diophantine equations, 1161

Joule, James P. (England, 1818–1889)
and nature of heat, 1019

Julesz, Bela (Hungary/USA, 1928–[2003])
and texture perception, 1076

Julia, Gaston M. (France, 1893–1978)
and iterated maps, 879