Image Processing

Philip Dutton

University of South Caroline Technology Incubator

Within the scope of image processing technology there exists a set of standard algorithms. A small subset of these algorithms are the basic filters that many image processing software users have come to take for granted. Edge detection, difference operations, transfer modes, color manipulation and filtering, inverse operations, etc. often form the heart of more complicated image processing algorithms. The users of modern day image processing software may readily expect that at the heart of these basic filters and operations one can find very simple background computation. For example, most people can understand that an inverse image is the result of simple computation. Simple experiments with such filters and basic image processing operations can produce very complex images. With such an image having been produced via simple operations, the NKS savvy observer is now in a better position to understand why such complicated images can evolve from simple image processing. This poster-style presentation will show an example of the above phenomenon using pictures of the progression of construction of no more than three images. The main example will show how the rule 90 cellular automata can detect edges in certain classes of images.

[presentation materials]

Created by Mathematica  (May 11, 2006)