Famighetti, Robert, Editor The World Almanac and Book of Facts
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Farhi, E. & R. Jackiw, Editors Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking:
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Farin, Gerald E. Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric
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Farris, Edmond J. Art Students' Anatomy Dover
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Fauvel, John Let Newton Be! Oxford University Press, 1989.
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Feagin, James M. Quantum Methods with
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Feder, J. & A. Aharony Fractals in Physics: Essays in Honor of
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Federer, Herbert Geometric Measure Theory Springer-Verlag,
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Feferman, A. From Trotsky to Godel: The Life of Jean van
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Feferman, Solomon In the Light of Logic Oxford University
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Feininger, Andreas Nature in Miniature Rizzoli, 1989.
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Feldman, Marcus W., Editor Mathematical Evolutionary
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Feller, William An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its
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Fernandez, Roberto Random Walks, Critical Phenomena, and
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Fetter, Alexander L. & John Dirk Walecka Quantum Theory of
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Feyerabend, Paul K. Killing Time: The Autobiography of Paul
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Fine, Henry B. The Number-System of Algebra Treated Theoretically
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Fink, Thomas & Yong Mao The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie: The Science and
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Fischer, Peter Mosaic: History and Technique McGraw-Hill,
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Fiume, Eugene L The Mathematical Structure of Raster
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Flake, Gary William The Computational Beauty of Nature MIT
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Flanders, Harley Differential Forms with Applications to the
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Foerster, Heinz von Cybernetics. Circular Causal and Feedback
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Foster The Foster Census Charles Babbage Research Center,
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Fowler, D.H. The Mathematics of Plato's Academy: a New
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