Neurofeedback in NKS

Alan Bachers
Neurofeedback Foundation

The field of neurofeedback captures in a practical way both the philosophy and application of NKS methods. When the human central nervous system is placed in a loop with itself using scalp electrodes and video displays, various attractor patterns of aberrant function (pathology) emerge as computationally reducible events.  These events can be displayed in graphic form using Joint Time-Frequency Analysis. In neurofeedback training, optima of reduced pathologic variability are rewarded.  With sufficient training, non-linear dynamical central nervous system states are entered, which I term class four space, defined as lowered negative variability and heightened flexibility and resilience. Following training, the previously defined attractor patterns 1) die off, 2) form new patterns of lessened intensity, or 3) emerge as newly nested patterns. With repeated training, the class four states are entered with greater ease accompanied by dissolution and eventual elimination of pathologic attractors. Subjective reports are of quantitative and qualitative improvements in human capacities, increases in peak performance, and decreases in physio- and psychopathology.  

Created by Mathematica  (April 20, 2004)

Program Outline
Photo Scrapbook

NKS 2007
NKS 2006
NKS 2003